Petra is a student at king's dominion, and is played by taylor hickson Deadly Class 2018 - 2019
- “It's not fear you're picking up, it's disinterest.”
- — Petra
Petra is an attending student at the King's Dominion. |
- Viktor-former love intrest
Viktor-former love intrest
- Viktor -former love intrest
- Billy - Love Interest
- Lex † - Love Interest
An introspective goth and feminist who was raised in a death cult, Petra is a disassociated nonconformist in a student body filled with disassociated nonconformists. |
- Poison / Toxicology -
- Lock picking - Explosive Craft - Hand-to-Hand Combat -
Petra is a gloomy goth girl who was dumped into the King's Dominion Atelier of the Deadly Arts. Her parents were both hippies who joined a death cult and met Master Lin at an orgy. They figured a way to relieve themselves of their parent duties with Petra was to dump her off at the school. |
Petra is a Rat student in King's Dominion. She often spends her time on the roof of the academy with Billy,Lex and later on Marcus,Saya,Maria and Willie.
She is often made fun of because of the way she potrays herself, and was an outcast.
She struck up a relationship with Viktor, whom she had sex with at Shabnam's party to get away from Billy as he confessed his feelings to her.
The next day, everyone at the academy knew about what happened, and made fun of both her and Viktor for it.
She was asked by Viktor to go to the dance with him, she initially refused at first, but then accepted because she was tired of being an outcast.
She and Viktor were having a good time at the dance, when Viktor and her went into the bathroom to have sex, but was interupted by Brandy and the Dixie Mob. She soon realises that Viktor had tricked her into going to the dance with him to salvage his reputation.
She was dragged on stage dressed in a bright colored dress, something she normally wouldn't wear. She then ran off crying and found the rest of the rats. Together, they formed a revenge plan on every person at the dance.
Because of this, they were put in detention by Master Lin, when they snuck out of detention they were encountered by the Kuroki Clan, who slashed the monks and they were left completely unprotected.
Petra was stabbed in the shoulder and Viktor was slashed across the stomach, severely wounding the both of them. When the rest of the group were running away from the clan, both of them shared a moment where Viktor confessed that he has done many terrible things in life, indirectly apologising to her.
Chico also switched their lunch to rat meat instead of chicken, and they later got their revenge.
They were both rescued and survived their injuries. She later assisted in killing Chester, and finally admitted her feelings for Billy while they were outside waiting for the call to blow off the door for the rest of the group's escape.
It is unknown whether or not Petra is aware of Lex's death, as the show was cancelled.
/ Deadly Class (TV Series) / Appearances of Petra Yolga / | ||||||